OpenSea, The Largest NFT Marketplace, Could Be Under Attack


OpenSea Might Be Under Attack

Saddening news has arrived for anyone using OpenSea as a platform since it could be under attack right now. With the attackers stealing hundreds of ethereum worth of digital assets.

The speculation came when PeckShield, a data analytics and security company stated that OpenSea might be experiencing issues. To be precise, they stated that they have a “front end issue”. The attacker might have gotten nearly around 332 worth of ETH, that’s estimated to be around $797,490.56 as of today.

The attacker might be getting more ethereum as the shared address shows over 8 transactions which were completed within a short span of 4 hours. 

OpenSea Could Be Under Attack

To give some context the frontend of a platform refers to all aspects of the software in which users can interact like buttons, sliders, etc. The attacker could have exploited vulnerabilities in the system to steal some money.

However, this is just speculation on the part of many people. OpenSea themselves have not announced anything so far so there really might not be an issue. People are debating online whether or not the platform really has been attacked and some people are disagreeing with the attack telling others that they just might be paranoid or have failed to cancel their offers. 


Majority of this is speculation by people due to a comment from a trusted cybersecurity company. OpenSea themselves could be keeping quiet about this until they’ve fixed the issue and found the perpetrator. But more likely than not, this could just be people being paranoid over something that doesn’t exist. Only time will tell when OpenSea makes an official announcement.

We hope this information will help you in your investment process, but this is not investment advice. Every investment carries risk, especially in this industry, so DYOR before making a decision.


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